Combining proven CBT techniques with the gentle effectiveness of hypnosis, I help unblock your barriers and achieve better mental well-being.
At the root of cognitive behavioural therapy (and CBH) is an understanding that the way we respond to events is not due to the event itself but the way we interpret that event, based on our beliefs and assumptions built up over time. The consequences are often a complex mix of feelings, thoughts and behaviours, which over time have tended to reinforce our core beliefs, sometimes in unhelpful ways.
What is CBT?
Cognitive behavioural therapy, or CBT, boosts your mind, mood and motivation. It is a form of talking therapy which helps you identify negative patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving and replace them with practical, more helpful ones. It is based on the approach that our thoughts, feelings, behaviours and how our body feels are all connected. By changing one of these we can alter the others. Together, we carefully investigate which of your thoughts, behaviours and beliefs might be getting in your way and work through your motivation for change and what practical, healthy alternatives will enhance your mind, mood and motivation.
The focus is on dealing with your problems in the here and now rather than analysing the past, which helps to make treatment faster.
The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) and the NHS recommend CBT in the treatment of anxiety and depression, and there is also plentiful evidence that CBT can help with many other conditions such as panic attacks, phobias, sleep problems and stress-related conditions.
The ‘Frontiers of Psychiatry’ journal describes CBT as the golden standard in the field of psychotherapy, because of its clear research support and continuous development and improvement based on research findings. CBT presently dominates the international guidelines for psychosocial treatments, making it a first-line treatment for most disorders, as noted by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence’s guidelines and the British and American Psychological Associations.
Why do you combine CBT & Hypnotherapy?
I practise Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy, which uses evidence-based techniques supported by scientific research. Both CBT and CBH are therapies that focus on the present rather than the past. While patterns of behaviour and thinking may have developed over time cognitive behavioural therapies focus on practical solutions to dealing with present experiences - you cannot undo the past, but you can change the way you respond now to the past, present and future.
Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy is recognised by the British Medical Association and the NHS as an effective treatment in a wide number of conditions. CBT presently dominates the international guidelines for psychosocial treatments, making it a first-line treatment for most disorders, as noted by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence’s guidelines and the British and American Psychological Associations.
What is hypnotherapy?
If you suffer from anxiety, stress or low self-esteem then you already know the power of your mind - your imagination - your thoughts and feelings and the power of your own (negative) story telling.
Hypnosis is a naturally occurring state of mind that we all experience from time to time. Imagine you are watching a film, cosy and settled and you zone out for a while – that’s essentially what hypnotherapy can feel like.
It used to be considered a trance like state, but it isn’t a trance. You can wriggle, itch or even go for a loo break if you need to. It also isn’t something that is done to you, you are the active participant that encourages your mind and body to simply listen to my suggestions, it is my job to help you feel at ease and confident to listen.
What can hypnosis help with?
The wealth of research that has been carried out on hypnotherapy shows that it helps:
· Managing anxiety
· Overcoming sleep disorders
· Managing stress related disorders
· Managing pain
· Conquering habits and phobias
· Hormonal changes and Menopause symptoms
Hypnosis helps to calm the body and the mind entirely - and to challenge and replace negative thoughts, feelings and behaviours with positive ones, changing your entire outlook on life. Using your imagination in hypnosis you can rehearse and challenge your responses to anxiety-provoking situations, freeing yourself from fears and worries. You are in control, at all times.
Hypnosis is:
· A time for relaxation and to focus on your agreed positive suggestions
· Easy to learn and master
· Time for yourself and a step on the journey to be the best you there is
· A way to change behaviour and habits
· Completely safe
· A proven method of achieving change
· A skill that you can use in everyday life to manage stress
· A collaborative process between you and the therapist
Hypnosis is not:
· Something to be scared of
· A form of mind control!
· A trick that will make you do things you don’t want to do!
· Going to leave you ‘stuck’ in a trance!
Can anyone be hypnotised?
Yes. It is just like daydreaming which anyone does from time to time. One client described it as if she was being read a bedtime story. As long as you feel comfortable and confident you have all the information you need to enjoy the process, it is just a lovely way to relax.
What happens during a hypnotherapy session?
The idea is to allow your mind to focus and give your body the opportunity to experience rest. By focussing your attention on my words, you can quiet your mind and allow yourself to calmly use your imagination to experience the change you want in your life. Like a mental rehearsal. You can be sat, led down. I have cushions and blankets if you really want to rest as effectively as you possibly can, or you can simply sit with your eyes open and listen along. We do whatever is right for you.
Before our hypnotherapy begins you describe your goals and then using hypnotherapy, I describe them back to you as you will be more likely to accept and absorb your own words. After the sessions, because you have already experienced the change you want, you feel more confident to apply it in your every day. It isn’t magic, it just allows you to visualise the change you want free from anxiety, stress or worry.
Can you be hypnotised online?
Yes! I was sceptical myself too at first, but as a result of the pandemic it has become very popular and it makes no difference to your experience at all. If it is more convenient to be online then you find the space that is most comfortable for you. Some people take the opportunity to get into bed whilst others utilise their time at their desk.
What if I fall asleep?
Sometimes I have clients who have been experiencing such bad anxiety, stress, overwhelm, worry or menopause related symptoms that they are absolutely exhausted that they have fallen into a wonderful relaxed sleep. I notice because when you are focussing your attention you breathe peacefully but when you are asleep you breathe deeply. I usually let people have a few moments of sleep and then just start talking a bit more loudly and your consciousness brings to back to paying attention to my words. You may not even notice it has happened but you will feel like you have had an excellent 8 hours sleep and feel energised as a result. I haven’t experienced anyone snoring yet as I want you to use your time and money for hypnotherapy not a sleep session! If you are online, generally by speaking louder to start to tune back in, but if you really nod off (not happened to me yet) I have your contact details so I can give you a call and bring your attention back round.
Will I remember it?
Your hypnotherapy session will be shaped by the conversations we have before you go into hypnosis. You will accept my words and suggestions more readily and allow them to be embedded more deeply when they are your own words, aspirations and goals. You therefore will remember it as it is what you had wanted and we had worked together for. When you emerge you will have much more clarity and confidence due to it being a mental rehearsal. You will see things in perspective and everyone leaves feeling lighter, more in control and positive about the changes they feel ready and confident to make.
What are your Qualifications?
My Level 4 diploma is from the UK College of Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy. It is currently the only hypnotherapy qualification recognised for CPD by the British Psychological Society.